Sunday, September 29, 2013


Of all the changes happening in my life, this new blog is probably the easiest.  I'm closing Tonja's Musings and starting this new blog.

I accidentally clicked on the first template, which gave the cleanest, most simplistic black-and-white style, and I kind of like it.  I may just add a followers gadget and be done with it for now.

When I started my previous blog, I was just beginning my writing journey.  I had an injury that kept me off my feet, so I wrote a children's story about a bunny and a snake living together under a front porch.  And then I wrote a short novel about a mother's anxiety over just being a mother, just getting by from one day to the next.  Next I wrote a darker comedy about a troubled mother and her dysfunctional relationship with her mother.  Somewhere in there I wrote two half novels, both dark comedies. 

Then something happened and my mind became fixated on my grandparents' generation, the unanswered questions about little things they said that never made sense.  The more research I did, the more the stories developed in my mind.  I feel like I can spend a lifetime writing about Appalachian coalminers and their ancestors including the Cherokee that were removed from the area (except for my ancestors who apparently hid well). 

I intend to devote this blog to posts about historical research and writing in this genre.

Thank you for finding me here.