Wednesday, October 2, 2013

IWSG - October 2013

When this group started a little more than two years ago, I was definitely insecure about my writing.  Insecurity was quite likely the one recurring theme in my otherwise random blog posts. 

Now I don't think of myself as being insecure about my writing - and that is because of you. 

All of the kind comments, good advice, great posts about writing challenges and successes, and general support have added up over time to make me feel secure about my writing.  I hope you feel that way too. 

To those of you that have followed me here from my other blog, thank you so much. :)

* * * * *

Check out Alex J Cavanaugh's site for the list of other Insecure Writer's Support Group members.  We post on the first Wednesday of the month.  Please join us.


  1. Tonja, that is wonderful to hear! That was the purpose of the group - to encourage. And the writers here online are the most encouraging in the world.

    1. Yes, it's definitely a supportive and positive group.

  2. Switching blog sites makes me insecure - but it's always great once you get it just the way you want it. :)

    1. The creating of the new site was simple. The thing where I created a new identity is making it harder than I expected to connect to everyone again.

  3. Ha! We're never short on advice, are we? Glad you're feeling confident and ready to write! :)

  4. I'm following you here now. It's good to visit with you again.

  5. I'm still insecure about my writing. Hopefully, one day I'll be like you. I saw you post your new blog address on Lynda Young's comments. So, here I am =)


    1. I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon if you hang out with this group. :)

  6. Glad you've found your confidence. Hope the new blog keeps shaping up for you.

  7. There's a song for that - I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends.

  8. HI, Tonja,

    Nice to meet you. Glad you hear you have more confidence in your writing. We, as writers, need to understand and love our work before anyone else will. Always believe in yourself!

  9. Tanja, thanks for stopping by with your new blog. I'll put it on my blog roll.

    Great that you have that confidence. My motto is, "I write, therefor I am."

  10. Great work. Nice, clean looking blog. Write on!

  11. I'm a new member to the group as of last month, so I'm sorry I wasn't part of the past posts you did, but I look forward to getting to know you now. :)

  12. Added you to my RSS feed. Nice new digs. This group is awesome. I wouldn't be where I am without it.

  13. I follow you too :D
    Nice to meet you~
    I love this post and now want to visit your other blog
    YOU have a wonderful spirit!

  14. It's always good to share, Tonja, isn't it.

  15. positive support within a group of like-minded people makes such a huge difference.

  16. It does help to hear so many others feel similarly, doesn't it? Great IWSG post!

  17. So thankful to the our Head Ninja Master for starting this group :-)

  18. It does help to get all these insecurities out so we can deal with them better. IWSG is a great group. (:

  19. This is a great support group that has helped many. You guys have helped me as well and I am proud to be a part of it.

  20. I can't seem to keep up with all my insecurities. Thank God I have this as an outlet.

  21. Aw! This makes me want to finally join. But I have learned so much just by reading all the posts and comments!

  22. New follower here. I'm so glad to meet a new writing friend. Congratulations on becoming more confident in your craft.


  23. Hi Tonya. IWSG has helped my insecurities keep at bay also.


  24. Thanks for visiting my blog and following! It's nice to feel good about your writing, isn't it?

  25. Hey Tonja! I think what I've learned since this IWSG started, is that we are ALL insecure, but bonding together and sharing it makes it so much more bearable. Glad you're here to join us!

  26. This is one of the best IWSG posts I've ever read. How awesome that you can now say you're not insecure.

    So glad you got this new blog started. :)

  27. Tonja, Happy to follow you over to your new blog! I'm so glad you are starting over, because I was worried you wouldn't after closing your other one.

  28. Great post, Tonja. No need to be insecure. Just write, and have fun with it.

  29. Just wait until next week. You'll feel insecure again.

    Just kidding. Glad IWSG has helped. But please keep on posting every month anyway. We still want to hear from you.

  30. It is a lovely, though sometimes fleeting. feeling to not feel insecure. Lately I find myself, like you, free of insecurities and more certain than ever that I'm moving in the right direction with my career. I also know I'll have doubts again, but I'll use these days to feed my courage when it fails.

    Wishing you the best!

  31. Aww! That's how awesome IWSG is! We can voice our insecurities and start getting over them. :)

  32. im with you! recently i was looking for things to post being insecure about. time for me to pay it forward!

  33. I'm glad you're feeling more confident about your writing, and it's deservedly so! I'm glad that I was able to get on your new site. For some reason, I couldn't before. I tried to follow you again, but it said that I already am. Let me know if there's a problem, and I'll try again.


  34. Not feeling insecure with your writing is an awesome win! Good for you!
